Skirt Dress four in one

Article number: man/23/19250021
Availability: In stock (1)
Delivery time: 1-5 workdays

Just what is it? A flowing skirt or flowey dress ? Inside out, then its  flowey dress or pull it down to your waiste for a beautiful flowing maxi skirt. What more do you need? Made from recycled crepe georgette saris by the tailor around the corner from a Delhi friend. Its a truely remarkabe piece of clothing and fantastic design,  cut on the cross is flows beautifully along your body curves , the skirt is reminiscent of the 1940 films, sexy and sofisticated, the dress is is a great sundress showing just a hint of the underlaying material at the hem line which is a tiny bit assemetric .From a midi dress you can change into a totally new outfit in a minimum of time. I am wowed out by these pieces. Its super responsible because its made from old crepe geogette saris that are carefully chosen. It iron so easily and looks really really stunning.

It can go in the washingmachine on 30 degrees with similar colours and mild environmenally friendly suds.

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